The Breakfast Solution | Blog | Studio Fit

Aug 2, 2016

The Breakfast Solution

BLS, Nutrition

Cornflakes do't cut it!!! It's time to solve your breakfast issues...

Are you a regular breakfast skipper?

Too busy, not enough time or just don’t feel like eating in the morning?

Well if that is the case and you are looking for a healthy, lean body you’re in trouble and you need a solution

Here’s what you need to know if you are a regular breakfast skipper

  • Meal skippers tend to get fatter over time. A meal skipped at breakfast accelerates fat storage
  • Other than an increased risk of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, breakfast skippers also have a 27% higher risk of coronary heart disease.
  • It’s time to start eating a high protein breakfast. Eating a high-protein breakfast increases a chemical in the brain that’s associated with food reward, while a low-protein breakfast causes cravings for sweet foods that gets worse throughout the day.
  • A high-protein breakfast has a profound effect on the signals that control hunger, brain function, and overall energy levels.

Which one of these guys are you?

The no protein at breakfast guy

Cornflakes just don’t cut it.

Ok I know you are in a rush and just don’t feel like eating much in the morning but do you think a bowl of high sugar cereal or a slice of toast is doing much for your health or physique?

The simple answer to that is NO!!! And skipping it all together is doing less for you

The low protein at breakfast guy

So you are doing slightly better here but still pretty low on the scale.

The simple truth is if you eat an inadequate amount of protein at meals (especially breakfast) you are a lot more likely to make bad decisions through out the day.

Having this low protein approach at breakfast will lead to sugar craving and the likelihood to be reaching for the biscuit tin all day, whereas a higher protein breakfast will send the signal to the brain that you are satisfied and hunger will drop.

So what is the solution?

Enter the wake and shake ———-> FREE SUPER SHAKE GUIDE

Say hello to the super shake.

A super shake is liquid nutrition that can be used as a meal replacement. This is not just a stand in for whole foods when times are tough. This can actually be superior to most of the meals your average man is eating.

This is quick, easy, and most importantly high quality. I have had a super shake every morning for the last 5 years and it has served me well and all the guys I train use the same protocol and they are leaner, fitter, healthier and more energised than ever

***That may have something to do with the great program we put them through too which you can sign up to HERE :)***

Got a blender and 3 minutes? Good. Here’s your recipe:

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 frozen banana (peel it the night before and stick it in the freezer)
  • 1 handful fresh baby spinach
  • 2 scoops chocolate protein powder
  • 1 huge spoonful of almond or peanut butter
  • Blend and drink

So when you’re in a rush or just don’t have time to have breakfast, have a super shake…This strategy will literally change your life

If you’d like some more recipes grab a FREE COPY OF OUR SUPER SHAKE GUIDE here!!!

Want further help?

At BLS we are exerts in overcoming all manner of barriers and limitations when it comes to the health and fitness of Men over 30. If you'd like to chat to one of our coaches click the link, fill out the form and we'll be in touch ---> APPLY NOW!!!

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the let's do it right!!!"

Lewis - BLS Creator

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